I figured I'd show you what I had for breakfast and let you in on the ab workout we will be doing today for day 1.
Breakfast: Eggs, Chopped Green/Red Bell Peppers, Chopped Onions, 1 slice of bacon chopped. Dash of salt and pepper. Chopped Avocado toped with salsa. Coffee and a Banana.
Here is the ab workout Summer and I will be doing today. Feel free to give it a try. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
Warm up:
5 min cat pose (Stretch)
Hold plank as long as you can.
3 rounds for time
10 Burpee's
15 V-Ups
25 Russian twist. **each side, for a total for 50** (make sure to keep your chest up and back straight.)
Cool down:
5 min cat pose (Stretch)
Be a Beast!
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We have a new member to our 30 day Ab challenge. Coya Williams started today with a great time. She did...
43 sec. Plank Hold
3 rounds for a time of 7:15
Great Job Coya!
I just finished my rounds. I did...
(Time N/A) *my stop-watch did not start when I pushed the button.*
This is what I looked like after...